• Identifying the strengths of individual team members and how they translate into the team dynamic.
  • Support of the team during a period of transition, especially a change in leadership.
  • Facilitating the formation of a new team, including the definition of mission, vision, goals, norms, and roles and responsibilities.
  • Building trust, respect, and collaboration.

  • Identifying and resolving the underlying issues for dysfunctional teams.
  • Meeting individually with team members to determine their perception of how the team is performing.  Establishing a baseline for team performance.
  • Reducing distractions that worsen conflict.
  • Transforming conflict from destructive to constructive.

  • Understanding the motivators and values of each generation.
  • Identifying potential areas of conflict between generations, based on those motivators and values.
  • Negotiating toward trust and respect.
Reaching high levels of team performance is not an easy feat to accomplish.  Team effectiveness does not just happen.  It isn't learned in a classroom.  It is developed through deliberate, day-to-day interaction.  

Our experience tells us that successful teams possess three characteristics: a clear purpose, strong relationships, and effective processes.  Teams with healthy relationships will disagree, even argue at times, about the best idea or approach.  Let us help you gain a grasp on group dynamics and develop productive teams, by doing some of things listed below.

Birkman for Teams